Sharing & Learning for Certified Mediators
Dublin Community Mediation (DCM) offers monthly Sharing & Learning meetings for mediators who are certified with MII, IMI or IPMO. It operates in accordance with MII Guidelines for S&L Groups.
The purpose of the group is to:
Provide an opportunity to earn CPD points with a certificate awarded at year-end
Bring in speakers to address topics of interest to mediators
Review real cases - with names and details changed
Offer opportunities to gain practical mediation experience
DCM charge a small yearly fee to help to cover the costs of running Dublin Community Mediation and its Sharing & Learning Group. Members will receive an invitation to ten meetings per year in DCM.
Sharing & Learning sessions usually happen on the second Saturday of the month, from 9.45am to 11.45am. The S&L sessions are being held online and on occasions in person in the Whitechurch Library Building.
Topics covered in these groups include:
Powerful Questions
The Pre-Mediation meeting
Conflict Coaching
Elder mediation
Multi-party mediation
Telephone mediation
If you are interested in adding to your mediation experience and wish to be considered for membership of DCM, please email
Please note that Sharing and Learning sessions are open to DCM members only.